Leyendekker Friesians proudly presents its stallions for your breeding consideration.
Some information about breedings
- Mare care: $12.00 per day board
- Breeding Fee: $1000.00
- Breed until the mare settles.
- Additional costs include veterinary fees associated with reproductive examinations.
- Semen collection fee and shipping charges $300.00 per shipment.
- Fresh semen same day shipments are available February 1 through July 31 to the U.S. only.
- Orders must be placed before 8:00 am (Pacific Time) on odd numbered days of the month.
**PayPal now Available**
Contact: Natalie Hill
Cell (559) 303-1611
Barn (559) 627-9509
Gerben Leyendekker (559) 805-0010